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Binance Hot Wallet 38,000 BTC OUTFLOW

A rather anomalous outflow movement from the Binance Hot wallet has occurred in the past few hours. Over 38,000 Bitcoin (About $661 million) have been transferred out of the Binance wallet in just 48 hours. As can be seen on every timeframe, the Outflow is way out of scale.

Bitcoin Netflow H1 Exchange Binance Hot Wallet 38,000 BTC OUTFLOW

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Bitcoin Netflow H4 Exchange Binance Hot Wallet 38,000 BTC OUTFLOW

An abnormal event in a short period of hours, all the more so at the current price level, especially from one exchange : Binance.

Report Netflow Exchange Binance Hot Wallet 38,000 BTC OUTFLOW
Source :

All Bitcoins are coming out of the Binance Hot Wallet, a single address : bc1qm34lsc65zpw79lxes69zkqmk6ee3ewf0j77s3h

In recent hours there have been unhappy reports about Binance and its possible failure to cover.
We will be following very very closely in the coming hours; we may be at the beginning of something very very important.

Outflow movements are still occurring, so new updates will follow.

Is this a accumulation or a Bankrun Start?


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