Onchain Analysis

What is the Average Price of the holder?

As always, the answers rely in the blockchain. Each UTXO corresponds to a block, and each block corresponds to a date. Each date corresponds then to a precise value of Bitcoin.

We have removed all the Exchange and custodial addresses. We have aggregated the values in ranges of $500. This to reduce the size of the chart and give a more representative idea of the purchase ranges.

Last 6 months

The first figure evaluates the last 6 months of UTXO, so from 23/November/2021 when Bitcoin was quoted around $58,000

The result is that over 95% of those who have accumulated in the last 6 months are at a loss, at an average accumulation value of $42,293

Last year

It doesn’t fare better with last year’s UTXO datasets On 22/May/2021 Bitcoin was quoted as $38,150
Holders from the past 365 days have an average accumulation price of $44,048, higher than holders from the past 6 months

Just over 91% of the dataset is at a loss.

Last 2 years

Utxo dataset from 22/May/2020. Bitcoin was quoted at $9,170

The result is that the holders of the last two years, those who have not sold, have an average accumulation price of around $41,001

80.46% is currently at a loss (at today’s price of around $ 30,000)

The average purchasing being at 40k, means therefore that those who bought in the last two years, either sold their bags already making profit, either are holding despite current loss.

Onchain Analysis

Luna : Zero Again

LUNA Foundation Guard emptied the Bitcoin wallet by sending everything to Gemini, 28k returned and were invited ALL to Binance.

Right now the LUNA wallet is AGAIN Of empty.

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