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Long & Short Term Holder Supply

We are proud to share that BtcInOutAlert is constantly improving.

We developed a new Bitcoin Onchain metric, to further widen our toolkit of independent and free from manipulative purposes data.

The metric is based on UTXO Data, providing useful insights for Long-Term goals

Metrics available on :

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Onchain Analysis

Outflow 52360 Bitcoin from Binance?

An alternative netflow service indicated an outflow of 52.360 Bitcoin from Binance. Is this real?

NO, it is a MEGA Fake News. Binance performed an internal movement of 30.000 BTC in cold wallet, remaining 51.841 are in a Change Address, so same owner, so still Binance

BtcInOutAlert in Live on the Bitcoin netflow movement
BtcInOutAlert regularly reported IN REAL TIME what was happening.
TX : a98b4b1eb25166cda54abb9e90f7f2b57dae402ab6f995a27a5e3763ab625e5d - Movement
TX : a98b4b1eb25166cda54abb9e90f7f2b57dae402ab6f995a27a5e3763ab625e5d

Fake News – Person Reading Fake News Article” by mikemacmarketing is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

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USDD BTC Reserve Balance – LIVE

USDD BTC Reserve Balance – LIVE

We added USDD BTC Reserve:

  • Real-time notifications (#inflow and #outflow)
  • Real-time Chart
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Onchain Analysis

Accumulation in progress?

Analysis on addresses over 10k Bitcoin

Are Institutions and Funds Accumulating Bitcoin ?

Is it true what onchain services and people are currently stating, that INSTITUTIONAL and FUNDS are accumulating Bitcoin?

This is a partial analysis, in fact we are only going to deep dive on wallet above 10k BTC (>$200m), since those are the most representative ones for possible accumulation of Funds and Institutionals

NOW we have 101 wallet with balance greater than 10k

Addresses greater than 10k bitcoin

Addresses with #BTC balances greater than 10k are 20% of the total circulating. Chart showing distribution of Exchange, Hack & Confiscated, old holders.

Considering wallet with a balance greater than #1k Bitcoin the trend is even declining, so those greater than 10k are key

As can be seen most of the wallet above 10k are now bitcoin in the hands of exchange and only a tiny fraction are Holder Fund-Institutional. Only 4% are effective accumulation of the total above 10k

With this data can we talk about accumulation?

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Onchain Analysis

Are the miners selling ?

Do miners effectively sent more than 5k bitcoin to exchange today?

Few hours ago, at 16:09 UTC+1 we notified in our telegram channel BtcInOutAlert an inflow of 6355 Bitcoins to a Binance address. 5380 of those bitcoins are coming from an address of “Poolin” pool.

Based on few tweets, this potentially could indicate that 1 or more miners sent bitcoin to exchanges (potentially to sell them). Is that really the case? This is the pool address history. There are currently over 12,500 Bitcoin present.

Whoever mined in his/her life at least once, will tell you that those tweets are not stating the truth. Let us explain why.

Just few miners around the globe can effectively mine “solo”; for all the other miners (basically the majority), it is nearly mandatory to be part of a pool, in order to be profitable and, at the same time, obviously share the block’s reward.

Owning 1 asic and participating to mining (with pool) will imply to have an account to get the reward credited. For each block mined, the owner of the asic will receive a reward. Every pool has its own rules in order to succesfully run the service (fees, minimum withdrawal).

It is pivotal to understand that every Satoshi mined will be kept in the pool (therefore not 100% owned by the miners) for as long as it will not be sent from a single miner to his/her personal address.

Why are we explaining all that? Because that is the base logic. Based on that, it does not seem reasonable that a single miner with a net worth of 100mio$ in bitcoins will let them “abandoned” in the pool wallet, rather than sending them to his/her own address.

Are you willing to take that risk, if that was your own money? The answer is obviously NO !!

Could that amount be an aggregation of more than one miner, grouping btc and sending them together? That could be absolutely possible, but it would require an outstanding coordination and a difficult cash out once such a quantity enters the market.

So, which are the best scenarios behind that 5k inflow? Below few likely options: – Poolin’s gain, originated from fees, were moved to exchanges – a large OTC transaction, in which the exchange become a mediator between the Pool selling and someone buying – Coinjoin

This is a short answer to a very complex and difficult question to explain in a few words, but the answer is certain. Do miners effectively sent more than 5k bitcoins to exchanges today? The answer is obviously NO !!

Onchain Analysis

What is the Average Price of the holder?

As always, the answers rely in the blockchain. Each UTXO corresponds to a block, and each block corresponds to a date. Each date corresponds then to a precise value of Bitcoin.

We have removed all the Exchange and custodial addresses. We have aggregated the values in ranges of $500. This to reduce the size of the chart and give a more representative idea of the purchase ranges.

Last 6 months

The first figure evaluates the last 6 months of UTXO, so from 23/November/2021 when Bitcoin was quoted around $58,000

The result is that over 95% of those who have accumulated in the last 6 months are at a loss, at an average accumulation value of $42,293

Last year

It doesn’t fare better with last year’s UTXO datasets On 22/May/2021 Bitcoin was quoted as $38,150
Holders from the past 365 days have an average accumulation price of $44,048, higher than holders from the past 6 months

Just over 91% of the dataset is at a loss.

Last 2 years

Utxo dataset from 22/May/2020. Bitcoin was quoted at $9,170

The result is that the holders of the last two years, those who have not sold, have an average accumulation price of around $41,001

80.46% is currently at a loss (at today’s price of around $ 30,000)

The average purchasing being at 40k, means therefore that those who bought in the last two years, either sold their bags already making profit, either are holding despite current loss.

Onchain Analysis

Luna : Zero Again

LUNA Foundation Guard emptied the Bitcoin wallet by sending everything to Gemini, 28k returned and were invited ALL to Binance.

Right now the LUNA wallet is AGAIN Of empty.

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Onchain Analysis


BtcInOutAlert confirm that LUNA Bitcoin wallet is now at zero, and all their Bitcoin have been delivered to Gemini Exchange

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